Ranked PvP Arena

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When you enter the arena, you appear in a safe zone where you are protected from damage.

Ranked arena NPC.png

Ranked Arena Safe Zone.png

Rating Points

When you kill your opponents, you get rating points, which are calculated according to the following formula:

1.0 * 1.0 / (1 + 1.0 * (1.0 * (loser_rank - winner_rank))10 / 400)

When you die, you lose rating points. You will not get rating points if your opponent's rating is 500 less than yours.

Every Monday and Friday at 00:01 rating points are reset. The top 3 players receive an reward via Rodex mail.

PvP Badges

When you kill opponents, you also get a PvP Badge. PvP Badges can be exchanged for useful items at Ranked Arena NPC.

You can only get them once in a certain period of time, which depends on your rating points:

Rating Points Delay (minutes)
1500+ 20
1700+ 18
1900+ 17
2000+ 15
2100+ 14
2200+ 13
2300+ 12
2400+ 11
2500+ 10
2700+ 7

You cannot get a PvP Badge if your opponent's rating is 500 less than yours.